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menstrual bloating

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The unprocessed roots of fo-ti possess a mild laxative effect.
What is Constipation?
Coeliac disease (also called gluten enteropathy) is a disorder of the small intestine characterized by sensitivity to gluten.
Switching from white bread and white rice to whole wheat bread and brown rice often helps relieve constipation.
The bitter compounds in dandelion leaves and root are also mild laxatives.
The Digestive Process
The GIT breaks down foods by first using mechanical means such as chewing and then by the application of a host of complex chemical processes.

Infected stream water may look clean and safe when it really isn't.

Although these problems are very unpleasant, the illness isn't usually dangerous.
For some people, digestive disorders are a source of irritation and discomfort that may cause them to drastically limit their life styles and frequently miss work.
Several types of laxatives are also used: bulk-forming laxatives.
Bulk-forming laxatives come from plants with a high fibre and mucilage content that expand when they come in contact with water; examples include psyllium, linseed, and fenugreek.
Use natural digestive enzymes.
The mucous lining undergoes steady erosion with abscess formation.
Some doctors also recommend 15 ml per day of linseed oil to help relieve constipation, though there is little evidence to support this approach.

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Infected stream water may look clean and safe when it really isn't.

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Friendly Bacteria Bad Breath Digestive Enzymes Herbal Laxatives

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