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Blood in your stool

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Infected stream water may look clean and safe when it really isn't.
Pains & inflammation in the bowels & colon? Pancreatic digestive enzymes for I.B.S.
Diarrhea alternating with constipation
There is no "right" number of bowel movements.
phenolphthalein, bisacodyl, senna, castor oil); and other drugs that increase water content of the stool.
Crohn's disease (included the whole GI tract)

Fat in any form (animal or vegetable) is a strong stimulus of colonic contractions after eating a meal.

Higher amounts of wheat bran are sometimes more successful.
The possibility exists that constipation occurring in adults and/or constipation triggered by other food allergies might also sometimes be responsible for chronic constipation in some individuals.
Diarrhoea, constipation, burping & Candida are related to food intolerance.
Colitis & bowel bacteria. Supplements with Bifido bacteria & caprylic acid for colitis.
Supplements with Bifido bacteria & caprylic acid for colitis.
Diverticulitis or diverticular disease is the inflammation of small sacs (diverticula) or otherwise called out-pouchings that are sometimes formed along the small or large intestine (colon) in areas of weakness.

Candida related complex Candida tropicalis
Fat in any form (animal or vegetable) is a strong stimulus of colonic contractions after eating a meal.

Candida balanitis

Candida balanitis information.

Blood in your stool Bloody stool Candida balanitis Candida related complex

Bloating Foods Stop Burping Inflamed Colon Indigestion

Candida tropicalis